What I can do for you

Cultural Training

The training we provide is unique in that it references academic evidence for example; Yunakaporta’s Indigenous pedagogy.


Nyuka Wara Consulting can help organise workshops, discussion sessions, learning programs and reconciliation plans.

Cultural Immersion

Learn and participate in some of the more popular traditions of Aboriginal culture such as basket weaving, didgeridoo playing, boomerang throwing and ochre painting.

Employment Plans

Increasing your Aboriginal workforce is an essential aspect in successfully closing the gap between Aboriginal and non-Indigenous people.

Reconciliation Action Plans

Organisations that take on a genuine RAP journey will enrich their business and their interaction and inclusion of Aboriginal people. 

Cultural Audit

We provide an Aboriginal cultural audit which determines how culturally safe and optimised your work place is for Indigenous audiences you may interact or entertain. This is a good foundation block to establishing internal position statements on a variety of cultural sensitive issues.