Reconciliation Action Plans (RAP)
Nyuka Wara Consulting believes organisations that take on a genuine RAP journey will result in outcomes that will contribute to their vision of high quality service delivery and wellbeing for Aboriginal people. The first step of the RAP journey and will enable the organisation to take the necessary steps in developing relationships, respect and opportunities with key Aboriginal stakeholders and the Aboriginal community. It is important for organisations to ensure the RAP becomes a part of their core business by implementing the three (3) core strategies.
By committing to the RAP journey it will allow for the organisation to have vision of reconciliation and influence change.
Benefits of developing a RAP
A Reconciliation Action Plan gives your organisation the best chance of achieving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander engagement objectives, and delivering broader outcomes including:
- The opportunity to become an employer of choice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- A more dynamic, innovative and diverse workforce.
- A more culturally safe and tolerant workplace.
- Access to new markets and better penetration of existing markets.
- Better service delivery to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.
- The opportunity to contribute to new projects, industries, services, products and ways of doing business.